• Breeding Birds kacer

     Beginning of the motivation for raising birds is a hobby other than curiosity wanted to try something new. I try to consult your fellow fans chirping birds that have been experienced in the field of breeding, birds are most easily bred in addition to walnuts, it turns out the answer is a bird kacer. It so happened that the house had no birds kacer, I am interested in this because it's kacer bird bird bird exotik kacer is, in addition to a tunable kicauannya when fighting style is also very interesting. After I ponder, and fikir-fikir I finally decided to try breeding birds kacer, as for the things that need to be considered in breeding birds kacer are as follows:

    1. cattle pen

    To consider in the manufacture of cattle shed is a length of 90 cm width 90 cm and height 180 cm, size 90x90x180 why? because the size is to adjust the width strimin, every purchase strimin has standard 90 cm wide.
    to order the cage is of wood balo, given the nature of the use of this wood hardwood, inshaAllah resistant to termite attack and the weather and the price is relatively cheaper than teak.
    The ideal requirements for a breeding cage birds are:
    a. Vegetation
    b. Swimming / can be tricked with a cup of clay / or bread tins filled with water
    c. Places to eat and drink
    d. Pangkringan
    e. Glodok nest
    f. cuttlefish bone

    2. bird breeders

    Quality breeders have an influence on the quality kacer anakannya, therefore, should be selected kacer breeders that have good quality characteristics approximately as follows:

    - No physical disability

    - Form a large body and long

    - Move agile, energetic, and sharp eyes

    - Has entered a period of lust (roughly above 10 months)

    - Diligently twittering

    a. Male breeders can come from young forest catchment that has been aged more than 10 months
    b. Female breeders endeavored to find a female broodstock that have been benign, usually female breeders who have benign results derived from captive birds also are less than 1 year old and above.

    3. pairing
    Enter a candidate sires breeding male into a cage, then insert into the cage of a female candidate sires and paste daily newspaper continue to cage to cage breeding cages daily or enter them into the breeding cage, and then observed until both prospective breeders seem to get along, in this case the male will chirp continuously and responded to by the female's cage perched on heavy foundation while ngleper-ngleper. If already there are signs like this new release the female into the breeding cage.
    4. laying period
    Once breeders are not mixed while the female will lay eggs, usually 2-3 birds kacer grain spawn, do not forget to always provide a cuttlefish bone during the pairing process as cuttlefish bone is very helpful in the process of making eggshells so strong.

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